Celty manages to lose him during the battle under the overpass, when she captures masses of motorcycle gang members her net and those who get through her net are dealt with by Egor and Ruri. When one of the bikers takes a swipe at him, Kinnosuke proceeds to assail every single biker around him despite being on a motorbike and still giving chase to Celty, increasing her panic. He appears later and offers some unexpected assistance when Celty is chased by Toramaru members. This act generates massive media attention and is effectively what prompts a bounty on Celty's head. The two begin yet another chase through Ikebukuro, with Kinnosuke keeping up with Celty easily despite her using her supernatural abilities to ride on walls and avoid traffic. Kinnosuke appears near the beginning of the arc, grilling Celty on her motorbike's illegal lack of headlights. Kinnosuke later appears to stop Horada from escaping, arresting him for traffic violations. Kinnosuke's actions later traumatize Celty and cause her to develop a fear of traffic cops. Celty attempts to use her shadows to scare him and the other cops off but, much to her surprise, he remains unfazed. He is introduced in this arc chasing Celty around the city, eventually cornering her. When she returns home later, quivering, Shinra informs her that Kinnosuke is a hardened motorcycle cop who was brought in from another district to deal with her. He is first seen when he and a unit of police officers corner Celty and warn her about messing with the police. Kinnosuke's nameplate in the second opening While not as strong or agile as other characters in the series, Kinnosuke is still very proficient in combat, even if he is forced to fight while riding his motorcycle. His skills include extremely adept motor cycle riding, being able to keep up with Celty even when she uses her supernatural abilities. He is proud of his position as a police officer and does his best to emulate the best qualities of his profession. He is extremely persistent and has a reputation for starting high-speed chases that end in accidents. The numerous supernatural events around the city do little to faze him. Kinnosuke is known to go to extreme lengths to make arrests and is almost zealous with maintaining order on the road. The rest of his attire is a normal traffic officer's uniform. His face resembles his older brother Ginichirou's. Kinnosuke's most distinguishing features are his red ascot, sunglasses, and a cross shaped scar on his cheek.